The Definitive Site For Phreaking In 250/604 Site Index: [Our H/P Files][Read BCHell][B.C.H-H.M.C][Phone Directory][Links] Guilty Parties: [Doktor Che][slave][Mr. Roboto] News:(08.10.2000) -SO long since update.... -slave has written a good file 'bout urban exploration, and I've got some new proggies out. There will be new stuff soon. -slave also set us up with -slave also made some music at his old site. It's all about *slave* isn't it? -The Datapac issue is *STILL* being compiled. It's gonna be huge. -Need a DOS prompt at school? try this. -slave has a new email address: -BC HELL wants strong crypto. Click here. -If you have experience in PERL, C/C++, Visual/QBasic, or even writing really cool batch files/shell scripts, please, email me. "What's with all this *mustard* shit?!" -Doktor Che |